
Ice Conditions

Weather Forecast

Directions to Forest Lake

Who is Attending and What They're Bringing

Quasi-Jamboree Name Tags

History of the Quasi-Jamboree

Kettle Moraine Northern Unit Map

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Reflections of Quasi-Past

Pictures from Last years Quasi-Jamboree

Welcome to the Seventh Annual Quasi-Jamboree website.  Here you will find out everything you need to know about this spectacular fishing event. 

For those of you that don't know what the Quasi-Jamboree is, or the history behind it all, check out the links to the left.

If you haven't been to this event you should really consider attending.  There is plenty of room for everyone and there will be plenty to eat.  No one goes hungry at this event...well except for that one salmon.  

You'll never know what you'll see at the Quasi-Jamboree.  There have been sightings of a swamp monster, exotic wildlife, a bunch of people having a lot of fun and even some strange science experiments gone horribly wrong.

Kids are always welcome.  In fact, most attendees prefer that kids are there.  Having kids run to get the flags means the adults have more time for BSing. 

And believe it or not, there are more than just hammer handles in Forest Lake!

To return to the home page at any time, click the Quasi-Jamboree picture at the top of the screen.  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this website please contact me through the Lake-Link Messenger or email.

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